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<div id="Text"> ==Premier== <!--<div class="frontlist"><ul><li>[Client45_Premier13|Premier 2013]</li><li>Client45_Premier14|Premier 2014]</li><li>[Client45_Premier15|Premier 2015]</li></ul></div> -->Here are some of the benefits of Premier: * The first company to make available a native x64 traffic and billing system! * Online traffic software that lets people work from anywhere. * Easy, no fuss, no muss, automatic and quick software updates that keep you up to date without the headaches. * Unique dashboard notification system letting you know, at a glance, what needs to be done and instantly jump to the task by simply clicking on the entry. * [Premier_Benefits_More|and much more...] <a name="Documentation"></a> ===Documentation=== * [ReleaseNotes|Latest release notes.] * [ComingSoon|What we are currently working on.] * [Documentation2|Introduction] ** [Dashboard] *** Main Menu > View > [NewsDialog|Release Notes...] *** Main Menu > Tools > [ChangePassword|Change password...] *** Main Menu > Tools > [GoToAssist|Start Remote Access...] *** Main Menu > Tools > [GoToMeeting|Start GoToMeeting...] *** Main Menu > Feedback > [SendSmile|Send a Smile...] *** Main Menu > Feedback > [SendFrown|Send a Frown...] *** Main Menu > Feedback > [Forums|Peer Forums...] *** Main Menu > Feedback > [Tickets|Tickets...] *** [CopyList|Copy] *** [Contracts] **** [PendingContracts] **** [MakeGood] **** [PrintConfirmations] *** [Log] **** [LogLocked|Log (Locked)] **** [LogReconcile|Log (Reconcile)] **** [LogInvoiced|Log (Invoiced)] *** [Billing] *** [AR|Accounts Receivable] **** [Invoice] **** [Payment] **** [Adjustment] *** [Reports] **** [ReportsSandGarden] *** [Settings] **** [Group] **** [Stations] **** [Users] **** [Salespeople] **** [Agencies] **** [Customers] **** [Conflicts] **** [AgencyCommissions] **** [Placement] **** [AvailTypes] **** [Categories] **** [Clocks] **** [Commissions] **** [Countries] **** [CreditPolicies] **** [RevenueTypes] **** [RevenueSources] **** [Voices] * [Common|Common UI Behaviors] * [Automation_Systems|Supported automation systems] * [Glossary] * [FAQ] [anchor|#add-ons][anchor|#Add-Ons] ===Add-Ons=== * [Accrual] * [Fees] * [Log_Templates|Log Templates]{br}Enhances the [log] editing experience with reusable programming blocks -- ideal for [stations] running sports related programming. * '''Marketron eServices''' ** [NetworkConnect] ** [PoP|Proof of Performance] * [Public_Radio|Public Radio] * [Report_Templates|Report Templates]{br}Standardize report layouts to deliver consistent reporting across your organization. * [Sales] * [Tax] * [VirtualStamps|Virtual Stamps] * ''Integration'' ** <a href=""><img width=60 height=14 src=""></a> ** [Azteca] ** [EDI|Export to EDI]{br}Provides additional capabilities to support the "4 A's" electronic delivery of [invoices] typically used by [agencies] through one of several available Electronic Data Interchange Providers. ** [ExportExcelPlus|Export to Excel+] ** [EZ-NET|EZ-NET] (by [|Shiny Stone Digital]) ** <a href=><img width=70 height=14 src=></a> ** [Peachtree] ** <a href=><img width=70 height=14 src=></a> ** ''Early Adopter Program'' *** [Efficio] *** [RAB_CRM|RAB CRM] *** <a href=><img src={UP}Client45_Premier/vcreative.png width=70 height=14></a> * ''Countries'' ** [Canada] ** [India] * ''Legacy'' ** [Email_Confirm_Invoice_Statement|Email (Confirm, Invoice, Statement 2013)] ''(Legacy)''{br}Automate the email delivery of approved [contracts], [invoices], and [statements] to save postage, reduce errors, reduce time stuffing envelopes and, ultimately, speed payment. ** [Email_EmailMyTimes_2013|Email (EmailMyTimes 2013)] ''(Legacy)''{br}Notify [customers] and/or sales team via email when their [customers]' spots will air. ** [Finance_Charges_2013|Finance Charges 2013] ''(Legacy)'' ** [Packages_2013|Packages 2013] ''(Legacy)'' ** [Production_2013|Production 2013] ''(Legacy)'' ** [SPW_2013|SPW 2013] ''(Legacy)'' ** [TAP_2013|TAP 2013] ''(Legacy)'' ===Software Installation=== Requires at least Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11; recommended and optimized for Microsoft Windows(TM) 10 x64. '''PREMIER WILL NOT WORK ON WINDOWS XP OR PRIOR VERSIONS!''' ((('''CS''' - Please note that only those computers that are going to be using the Premier client application have this requirement; any other computers running other types of software (music, automation, etc.) can continue to use whatever their respective requisite version of Microsoft Windows, Linux, etc.))) Click [ClientEula|here] to begin the installation process. ===Additional Resources=== * [KnownIssues|Known Issues] * [KB_Articles|KB Articles] * [Tools] </div> <DIV class=transcludedpage> <div id="Side"> <div class="btndownload">[ClientEula|Install Now]</div> <p>''Requires at least Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10; recommended and optimized for Microsoft Windows(tm) 10/11 x64.{br}{br}__'''WILL NOT WORK ON{br}WINDOWS XP!'''__''</p> {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} {br} </div> </div> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var navItem = document.getElementById('PremierTab'); navItem.className = 'active'; </SCRIPT>
Due to the nature of software development, information and content found on this website may not be representative of the current version(s).
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